Solved Mcqs for Zoology
Zoology BS-17
1. A change in the frequency of alleles in a population is the
definition of
A) natural selection.
B) genetic drift.
C) evolution.
D) gene flow.
2. The study of genetic events that occur in gene pools is called
A) evolutionary genetics.
B) population genetics.
C) gene pool biology.
D) allopatry.
3. If the requirements of
the Hardy-Weinberg theorem are all met, then
A) evolution is occurring
B) evolution is occurring
evolution is not occurring.
D) gene frequencies are
4. Which of the following
statements is most accurate?
A) Evolution is always
occurring in all populations.
B) Evolution occurs in virtually all
populations at some point in their history.
C) Evolution rarely occurs in any population.
D) Evolution never occurs.
5. Two tortoises are caught on a mat of floating vegetation and get
carried out to sea. Their mat happens to land on a volcanic island that is
inhabited by a small population of the same species. Breeding with the island
tortoise population introduces new alleles that add to thegenetic diversity of
tortoises on the island. This account is an example of
A) genetic drift.
B) gene flow.
C) natural selection.
D) neutral selection.
6. After a bottleneck event has occurred A) the genetic diversity
of a population is greater.
the genetic diversity of a population is decreased.
C) the size of the population always increases. D) the size of the
population always decreases
. 7. When chance events increase or decrease the frequencies of
alleles in a population, _______ has occurred.
A) genetic drift
B) natural selection
C) random mating
D) gene flow
8. From the perspective of a population, mutations are positive
events because
A) they weed out less fit individuals.
B) they provide new genetic variations that
can help ensure the survival of the species.
C) most mutations make individuals stronger.
D) they are always expressed when they occur.
9. When a geographical barrier divides members of a population,
______ speciation may occur
A) sympatric
B) allopatric
C) stabilizing
D) directional
10. A mutation that caused a change in courtship behavior occurred
in, and spread among, a few members of a population of cranes. This change in
courtship behavior prevents those that have the mutation from mating with those
that do not have the mutation, even though the two groups share the same
breeding territory. This mutation may cause _________ speciation
A) sympatric
B) allopatric
C) stabilizing
D) directional
11. The punctuated equilibrium model of evolution describes the
theory that
A) evolution occurs very slowly and steadily over long periods of
B) evolution occurs at a
constant, rapid rate.
C) evolution occurs rapidly for short
periods of time and then a population undergoes very little change for long
periods of time.
D) evolution does not occur.
12. Natural selection that narrows the phenotypic range by
selecting against phenotypic extremes is called
A) disruptive selection.
B) stabilizing selection.
C) directional selection.
D) neutral selection.
13. Sickle-cell anemia was maintained in African populations
because the heterozygote was resistant to malaria. Both homozygotes were
selected against by severe sickling or susceptibility to malaria. This example
A) directional selection.
B) disruptive selection.
C) neutral selection.
D) heterozygote superiority.
14. All genes in an organism do not necessarily change at the same
rate. Most cats, for example, are easily recognized as cats. These traits have
been conserved in evolution. Other traits (e.g., length of the tail, pelage,
and stature) vary from species to species. This is an example of
A) molecular evolution.
B) mosaic evolution.
C) gene duplication.
D) phyletic gradualism.
15. In order for speciation to occur, some members of a population
must be reproductively isolated from other members of the population
A) True
B) False
16. Genetic drift is most likely to occur in large populations
A) True
B) False
17. The change in the frequency of body color alleles in peppered moths
in England during the industrial revolution was an example of directional
A) True
B) False
18. The formation of a
physical barrier that divides one population into two groups is an example of
postmating isolation
A) True
B) False
19. An allele that has been conserved evolutionarily would be
present in most members of a group
A) True
B) False
20. Phyletic gradualism is
attractive to many paleontologists because it explains the absence of fossils
that document transitional forms between related organisms
A) True
21. Speciation that occurs
in small, local populations is called parapatric speciation
A) True
B) False
22. Evolution invariably
leads to some kind of improvement in a species
A) True
B) False
1. For an aquatic animal, the amount of oxygen dissolved in the
water may determine where the animal can live. For this animal, dissolved
oxygen is a/an
A) tolerance factor.
B) acclimator.
C) limiting factor.
D) optimum factor.
2. For an aquatic animal, the range of values for dissolved oxygen
that will support life is called the A) range of optimum.
tolerance range.
C) existence range.
D) home range.
3. All of the following contribute to the energy budget of an
animal EXCEPT one. Select the exception
A) existence energy--the energy it takes to survive
B) resistance energy--the energy it takes to
resist change in the environment
C) productive energy--the
energy it takes to grow and reproduce
D) excretory energy--the energy lost through feces and excretion
4. Human populations in
developed countries display type ______ survivorship curves.
A) I
5. Which of the following sequences illustrate exponential
A) 2--->4--->6--->8
C) 2--->4--->8--->16
D) 2--->4--->10--->25
6. Evolution in which each of two species exerts a strong
influence on the other species is called
A) contingency.
B) parallel evolution.
C) coevolution.
D) convergent evolution.
7. A symbiotic relationship in which one member of a
relationship benefits and the second member is neither helped nor harmed is
A) mutualism.
B) commensalism.
C) parasitism.
D) predation
8. The population
size a particular environment can support is called the environment's
A) environmental
B) population
C) biotic potential.
D) carrying capacity.
9. Which of the following is an example of aposematic
A) one butterfly species resembling another distasteful
B) the stripes on a zebra
C) the stripes on a tiger
D) the contrasting color pattern of a
10. When two organisms live in close association and both
organisms benefit from the association, the relationship is:
A) mutualism.
B) parasitism.
C) commensalism.
D) mimicry.
11. Two male redwing blackbirds are competing for a breeding
territory and female redwings. This example depicts
A) interspecific competition.
B) intraspecific competition.
C) coevolution.
D) competitive exclusion.
12. Most natural populations exhibit type _______ population
A) I
B) II C) III D) IV 13. All populations living in an area
make up a/an
A) community ecosystem.
B) Community.
C) Habitat.
D) Niche.
14. A community and its physical surroundings make up a/an
A) Biome.
B) Ecosystem.
C) Habitat.
D) Niche.
15. The dominant members of a community often change the
community in predictable ways in a process called
A) Spatial structuring.
B) Temporal structuring.
C) Dispersal.
D) Succession.
16. The final
community in a sere is called the
A) climax community.
B) Primary community.
C) Secondary community.
D) Sere.
17. The first trophic
level of an ecosystem is made up of
A) Free organic
B) Decomposers
C) Consumers
D) Producers
18. The ______ of a
species includes all the attributes of its lifestyle
A) Niche
B) Habitat
C) Range
D) Diversity 19.
Overall, about ______ percent of the food consumed at one trophic level is
converted into new biomass.
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 60
20. Assuming that
1,000 units of energy are available at the producer level of a stream
ecosystem, how many units of energy would be available in the fourth trophic
level (e.g., leaf material- -->mayfly--->stonefly--->small mouth
A) 10 units
B) 1 unit
C) 100 units
D) 0.1 unit
21. All of the
following statements regarding energy in ecosystems are true except one. Select
the exception
A) Most energy at one trophic level is
eventually radiated into the outer atmosphere as heat and will never be reused.
B) An ecosystem can support more biomass at higher trophic
levels than at lower trophic levels.
C) Larger populations can be supported if organisms feed at
lower levels.
D) Consumption is never 100 percent efficient.
22. The nonliving
reservoir for nitrogen in a terrestrial ecosystem is/are
A) gaseous nitrogen in the atmosphere.
B) dead animals and plants.
C) nitrogen dissolved
in water of the oceans.
D) bedrock
23. The nonliving
reservoir for elements such as sulfur, phosphorus, and calcium is/are A) the
B) bones.
C) ocean water.
D) the earth (soil, rocks etc.).
24. All of the following are true of the carbon cycle except
one. Select the exception A) Most carbon is incorporated into living tissues by
B) Combustion of fossil fuels returns carbon to the
C) The rate at which carbon has been
accumulating in the atmosphere has been decreasing dramatically in the last 50
D) Carbon is rarely a
limiting factor for animals.
25. The variety of living organisms in an ecosystem is
A) ecological
B) ecosystem strength.
C) biodiversity.
D) ecosystem wealth.
26. Biological magnification refers to the
A) Diversity of plants and animals in an ecosystem.
B) Increase in energy present in higher trophic levels in an
C) Increase in numbers of animals at higher trophic levels
in an ecosystem.
D) Concentration of matter in tissues
of animals at higher trophic levels in an ecosystem.
27. Aestivation is a time of decreased metabolism and lowered
body temperature during daily activity cycles, during the summer or hot, dry
time of the year.
A) True
B) False
28. Hibernation is a time of decreased metabolism and
lowered body temperatures that may last for weeks or months and occurs in
mammals such as rodents, bats, and bears, during cold periods
A) True
B) False
29. A type of camouflage that occurs when an animal takes on
the color patterns in its environment to blend in with the surroundings is
called countershading
A) True
B) False
30. A host that
harbors the adult stage of a parasite is called the
A) True
B) False
31. In the carbon cycle, respiration returns carbon to its
reservoir in the atmosphere.
A) True
B) False
32. The age pyramid of a developing country (e.g., India)
has a very wide base with large numbers of individuals in the youngest age
A) True
B) False
33. The current U.S. population is about 280 million, and it
continues to grow because of an increasing birth rate
A) True
B) False
34. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer and an increased risk of skin
A) True
B) False
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