PPSC Lecturer –Zoology mcqs


PPSC Lecturer –Zoology mcq's

1. Which of the following groups of animals has a cellular or unicellular body

 A. porifera

B. protozoa

C. eumetazoa

D. cnidaria


2. Which contribute to the success of Mendel

A. qualitative analysis of data

B. observation of distinct inherited traits

C. *his knowledge of biology

D. consideration of one character at one time


3. Genetic identity of a human male is determined by

 A. autosomes

 B. nucleolus

 C. cell organelles

D. sex chromosomes


4. Upper part of sea or aquatic ecosystem contains

 A. plankton

B. nekton

 C. benthos

D. plankton and nekton


5. The structure that is used for feeding in most molluscs is A. buccal cavity

 B. radula

 C. mouth

D. odontophore


 6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched

A. cursorial adaptations - Limb bones elongated

B. fossorial adaptations - Develops shoulder girdle

 C. arboreal adaptations - Webbed feet

 D. volant adaptations - Fusion of certain bones


 7. Lamarck's theory of organic evolution was published in the book entitled A. Systima Naturee B. Philosophic Zoologique

C. Origin of species

D. none of these


 8. Metabolic rate in mammals is controlled by

A. pancreas

B. thyroid

C. pituitary

 D. liver


9. The ambulacral groove is found between the

A. rows of tube feet

 B. radial nerves

 C. layers of pedicellariae

 D. rows of dermal ossicles


 10. The agnathans and gnathostomes branched apart most likely during the

A. cambrian period

B. silurian period

C. devonian period

 D. jurassic period


 11. Many echinoderms have two parts to the stomach, these two parts are the

 A. enzymatic, cecal

 B. cecal, cardiac

 C. cardiac, pyloric

D. pyloric, enzymatic


12. Which of the following fish may be characterized as eel-like, parasitic, and possessing a cartilaginous skeleton

A. chimera

B. hag fish

 C. lamprey

D. ostracoderm


 13. Which of the following evolved from a group of carnivorous pelycosaurs

 A. therapsids

 B. labyrinthodonts

C. anurans

 D. theropods


14. The freshwater fish that survived the Devonian period possessed

 A. efficient gills

 B. lungs

C. countercurrent flow

D. paedomorphosis


15. Which of the following groups of animals has no parasites

A. Platyhelminthes
 B. nematoda

C. porifera

D. echinodermata


16. tt mates with Tt. What will be characteristic of offspring

A. 75% recessive

B. 50% recessive

C. 25% recessive

 D. all dominant


 17. Fertilizin is a chemical substance produced from

 A. mature eggs

 B. acrosome

C. polar bodies

D. middle piece of sperm


18. Association of animals when both partners are benefited

A. colony

 B. commensalism

C. ammensalism

 D. mutualism


19. The trochophore larva indicates a common ancestry for which of the following pairs

A. Mollusca-Annelida

 B. Mollusca-Cnidaria

C. Mollusca-Cephalopoda

D. Mollusca-Nematoda


20. The desert animals confine their activities during night time, because they

A. can see well during the night

B. get sufficient food during night

 C. have a problem of conservation of water during the day time

D. face less competition for food during night


 21. The characters of no shell, integumental scales, a reduced head and being dioecious describes which of the following molluscs

 A. caudofoveata

B. solenogastres

C. monoplacophora

D. polyplacophora


22. What is the correct sequence of zonation in the lentic environment

(i) Profundal zone

 (ii) Sub-littoral zone

 (iii) Littoral zone A. i, ii, iii

B. i, iii, ii

C. ii, iii, i

 D. iii, ii, i


23. Which of the following facts make Lamarckism doubtful A. neck of giraffe elongated for grazing from high trees

 B. trees of high altitudes have sloppy branches to avoid deposition of snow

C. deer is fast runner for protection from predators

D. indian ladies have been getting their ears pierced since ages but pierced ears are not inherited


24. HCG is secreted by

A. placenta

B. ovary

 C. thymus

 D. thyroid


25. The echinoderms have developed the ability to exploit many sources of food. The sea stars are _____________, the sea urchins are ________________, and the sea cucumbers are ______________.

 A. planktivores, herbivores, worms

B. carnivores, herbivores, deposit feeders

C. herbivores, detritivores, algae

D. detritivores, carnivores, plankton


26. The respiratory apparatus of agnathans may be characterized by

A. lack of gill filaments

B. lack of an operculum

C. the presence of a spiracle

 D. acting as a filter feeding mechanism


27. The early therians most resembled a small ____

A. pig

B. kangaroo

C. rat

 D. horse


 28. The first well-known fossil of a tetrapod was ____

A. in the genus Sphenodon

B. in the genus Latimeria

C. in the genus Ichthyostega

D. in the genus Desmognathus


29. In a genetic cross having recessive epistasis, F2 phenotypic ratio would be

A. 9:6:1

B. 15 : 1

C. 9 : 3 : 4

D. 12 : 3 : 1


30. Cross between AaBB and aaBB will form

A. 1 AaBB : laaBB

 B. All AaBB

C. 3AaBB : laaBB

D. 1 AaBB : 3aaBB


31. RR (Red) Antirrhinum is crossed with white (WW) one. Offspring RW are pink. This is an example of

A. dominant-recessive

B. incomplete dominance

C. hybrid

D. supplementary genes


32. In humans, the placenta is

A. haemochorial

 B. endothelial

 C. epitheliochorial

 D. syndesmochorial


33. Gastropoda taxonomy is currently under consideration. The traditional three subclasses are Prosobranchia, and two others

A. Nudibranchia, Pelycopoda

B. Pelycopoda, Opisthobranchia

 C. Opisthobranchia, Pulmonata

D. Pulmonata, Nudibranchia


34. The monoplacophorans were known only from the fossil record until 1952 when ________ emerged from a deep-sea trawl net

A. specimens of Loligo

B. specimens of Mopalia

C. specimens of Pedicularia

D. specimens of Neopilina


35. Which one of the following statements is not true about energy flow

A. energy flow is greatly reduced at each successive trophic level from producers to herbivores and then to carnivores

B. the energy captured by the autotrophs does not revert back to solar input

C. there is unidirectional flow of energy

 D. the pyramids of energy are both top right and inverted


 36. Neck and fore limbs in African giraffe increased in length as a result of

 A. variation in these organs

B. mutations in these organs

 C. use and disuse

D. none of these


37. Cushing syndrome is due to the hyper secretion of

 A. thyroid

 B. adrenal cortex

 C. pituitary

D. none of these


 38. Which of these classes is characterized by an endoskeletal test, a complex chewing apparatus, no arms, pedicellaria with three jaws, closed ambulacral grooves, and movable spines

 A. Echinoidea

 B. asteroidea C. ophiuroidea D. crinoidea 39. The larva of the lamprey is known as the

 A. trilobite larva

B. veliger

 C. ammocete

D. tornaria

 40. The implied presence of sebaceous and sweat glands in early mammals signified what

A. fossilized casts

B. hair

 C. epidermis

 D. none of these


41. The adaptive radiation of the mammals occurred during the ____

A. Triassic

 B. Jurassic

 C. cretaceous

D. cenozoic


42. To facilitate cutaneous respiration, the skin of amphibians is

A. moist and covered with scales

B. moist and richly vascularized

C. dry and richly vascularized

D. dry and covered with scales


43. The kidneys of amphibians are

A. pronephric

 B. metanephric

C. mesonephric

D. anephric


44. Members of the order ________ often produce spermatophores

A. urodela

B. gymnophiona

C. apoda

D. anura


45. A dihybrid condition is

A. segregation

B. dominance

 C. independent assortment

D. polygenic inheritance


46. Torsion is a process that rotates the _________ of the body of gastropods

 A. surface

 B. mantle

C. viscera

 D. none of these


47. The total output of photosynthesis, including the organic matter used up in respiration during the period of measurement, is called

A. net primary productivity

B. gross primary productivity

 C. net community productivity

D. secondary productivity


48. In the animal kingdom, several degree of Interspecific interactions can be recognized. Which one of the following is true for protocooperation interactions

A. both partners gain but neither can survive without the other

B. one of the species is harmed by the relationship

 C. presence of one species appears to have no effect on a second species

 D. both partners gain, though each is able to survive separately


49. Which of the following concepts is attributed to Lamarck

A. inheritance of acquired characters

B. survival of the fittest

C. struggle for existence

D. none of these


50. Goiter is caused by

A. excess secretion of thyroxin

 B. deficiency of iodine

 C. over eating

D. deficiency of growth hormone Note- for more lat

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