June 2022
1 (Amphibians) 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 9 biology chapter 1 exercise solved mcqs 1 9 class biology 2 9th class mcqs 1 Abbreviation 1 Algae Mcq's 1 Amazing fact about Egyptians abour pregnancy test 1 Amazing fact about Giraffe 1 Angiosperm Flower mcqs 1 Angiosperm Morphology Mcqs 1 Artificial blood 1 Assignment of 8603 1 B.ED Solved Assignment of 8605 1 biodiversity 1 biodiversity mcqs 1 Bioenergetics 1 Biogeography 2 biology 2 biology 9 2 Biology Mcqs 1 by madiha 6 Cell 1 cell cycle 1 cells and tissues 1 chapter 4 1 chapter 5 1 chapter 6 1 chapter 7 1 chapter 8 1 chapter 9 1 Chemistry Mcqs 1 class 9 2 class 9 biology 1 class 9th 1 Coronavirus disease 1 Current Affairs 1 end unit mcqs 1 Enzymes 1 exercise mcqs of chapter 9 1 exercise solution 1 exercise solution of biology class 10 chapter10 1 exercise solved mcqs 1 Fungi Mcqs _Botany 1 Goby fish 1 Human Body Facts 1 Important Science Mcqs 1 Keys 3 Mcqs 1 Mcqs about Frog 1 Mcqs of Angiosperm Embryology 1 mcqs on biology 1 Mcqs on Environmental Biology 2 mcqs with answer 1 Meters 1 Microevolution and Macroevolution 1 multiple choice 1 Nutrition 1 paleontology fossilization 1 pH Value 1 PPSC Lecturer –Zoology mcqs 1 punjab text book 1 Short form 1 solved 1 Solved Assignment 8604 1 Solved Assignment General Methods of Teaching (8601) 2 Solved Assignment of 8602 1 Solved Assignment of 8604 1 Solved Assignment.2 of General Method of Teaching (8601) 1 solved exercise chapter 6 1 solved exercise of 9 class biology chapter 3 solutuion 1 solved Mcqs 1 solved Mcqs about fishes 1 solved multiple choice with answer keys 1 solving a biological problem| Exercise solved mcqs| end unit exercise of chapter 2 9 biology| multiple choice of 9 biology chapter 2 1 Transport 1 World Relgions Information 1 zoology Solved Mcqs for Lecture BS-17 PPSC 1 Zoology solved Mcqs 1 مرد (Marad)


The life of a cell begins when a parent cell divides to produce the new cell. The new cell then goes through maintenance and growth processes until it matures and ultimately divides to produce another generation of two cells. The life of a cell, from its beginning until it divides to produce the new generation of cells, is called the cell cycle.

Mitosis (Gr. mitos, thread) is the distribution of chromosomes between two daughter cells, and cytokinesis (Gr.  kytos, hollow vessel 1 kinesis, motion) is the partitioning of the cytoplasm between the two daughter cells. 

Interphase (L. inter, between) is the time between the end of cytokinesis and the beginning of the next mitotic division. It is a time of cell growth, DNA synthesis, and preparation for the next mitotic division.

The G1 (first growth or gap) phase represents the early growth phase of the cell. During the S (DNA synthesis) phase, growth continues, but this phase also involves DNA replication.

The G2 (second growth or gap) phase prepares the cell for division. It includes replication of the mitochondria and other  organelles, synthesis of microtubules and protein that will make up the mitotic spindle fibers, and chromosome condensation.


         Replicating  the Hereditary Material Interphase typically occupies about 90% of the total cell cycle. The first portion of interphase is gap phase 1 (G1). It is usually the longest interval of interphase and is a period of cell growth and the metabolic activities characteristic of the particular cell type. G1 ends with the beginning of the S phase. Before a cell divides, an exact copy of the DNA is made during the S (synthesis) phase. This process is called replication, because the double-stranded DNA makes a replica, or duplicate, of itself. Replication is essential to ensure that each daughter cell receives identical genetic material to that present in the parent cell. The result is a pair of identical sister  chromatids. A chromatid is a copy of a chromosome produced by replication. Each chromatid attaches to its other

copy, or sister, at a point of constriction called a centromere. The centromere is a specific DNA sequence of about 220 nucleotides and has a specific location on any given chromosome. Bound to each centromere is a disk of protein called a kinetochore, which eventually is an attachment site for the microtubules of the mitotic spindle. The final stage of interphase is gap phase 2 (G2). As the cell cycle moves into the G2 phase, the chromosomes begin condensation.

During the G2 phase, the cell also begins to assemble the structures that it will later use to move the chromosomes to opposite poles (ends) of the cell. For example, centrioles replicate, and there is extensive synthesis of the proteins that make up the microtubules. The time spent by a cell in interphase varies greatly depending on the cell. Rapidly dividing embryonic cells move very quickly through G1 to S, and again quickly through G2 to M. The entire cell cycle may occur within a few minutes time. Rapidly dividing cells produce a many-celled embryo from a single fertilized egg within hours. On the other hand, maturing cells spend relatively more time in G1 because they are growing and taking on functions of adult cells. Many adult cells are not dividing. Mature bone, muscle, and nerve cells enter G1 and pause. They may remain in this G0 phase indefinitely or until cell division is required, for example, to repair an injury.


 Mitosis is divided into five phases: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In a dividing cell, however, the process is actually continuous, with each phase smoothly flowing into the next. The first phase of mitosis, prophase (Gr. pro, before 1 phase), begins when chromosomes become visible with the light microscope as threadlike structures. The nucleoli and nuclear envelope begin to break up, and the two centriole pairs move apart. By the end of prophase, the centriole pairs are at opposite poles of the cell. The centrioles radiate an array of microtubules called asters (L. aster, little star), which brace each centriole against the plasma membrane. Between the centrioles, the microtubules form a spindle of fibers that extends from pole to pole. The asters, spindle, centrioles, and microtubules are collectively called the mitotic spindle (or mitotic apparatus). Prometaphase follows the break-up of the nuclear envelope. A second group of microtubles attach at one end to the kinetochore of each chromatid and to one of the poles of the cell at the other end of the microtuble. This bipolar attachment of spindle fibers to chromatids is critical to the movement of the chromatids of each chromosome to opposite poles of the cell in subsequent phases of mitosis.

As the dividing cell moves into metaphase (Gr. meta, after 1 phase), the chromatids (replicated chromosomes) begin to align in the center of the cell, along the spindle equator. Toward the end of metaphase, the centromeres divide and detach the two sister chromatids from each other, although the chromatids remain aligned next to each other. After the centromeres divide, the sister chromatids are considered fullfledged chromosomes (called daughter chromosomes).

During anaphase (Gr. ana, back again 1 phase), the shortening of the microtubules in the mitotic spindle, and  perhaps the activity of motor proteins of the kinetochore, pulls each daughter chromosome apart from its copy and moves it toward its respective pole. Anaphase ends when all the daughter chromosomes have moved to the poles of the cell. Each pole now has a complete, identical set of chromosomes.

Telophase (Gr. telos, end 1 phase) begins once the daughter chromosomes arrive at the opposite poles of the cell. During telophase, the mitotic spindle disassembles. A nuclear envelope re-forms around each set of chromosomes, which begin to uncoil for gene expression, and the nucleolus is resynthesized. The cell also begins to pinch in the middle. Mitosis is over, but cell division is not.


 The final phase of cell division is cytokinesis, in which the cytoplasm divides. Cytokinesis usually starts sometime during late anaphase or early telophase. A contracting belt of microfilaments called the contractile ring pinches the plasma membrane to form the cleavage furrow. The furrow deepens, and two new, genetically identical, daughter cells form.


Sexual reproduction requires a genetic contribution from two different sex cells. Egg and sperm cells are specialized  sex cells called gametes (Gr. gamete, wife; gametes,  husband). In animals, a male gamete (sperm) unites with a female gamete (egg) during fertilization to form a single cell called a zygote (Gr. zygotos, yoked together). The zygote is the first cell of the new animal. The fusion of nuclei within the zygote brings together genetic information from the two parents, and each parent contributes half of the genetic information to the zygote.

Somatic cells

“To maintain a constant number of chromosomes in the next generation, animals that reproduce sexually must produce gametes with half the chromosome number of their ordinary body cells (called somatic cells)”.

All of the cells in the bodies of most animals, except for the egg and sperm cells, have the diploid (2N) number of chromosomes. Gametes are produced by cells set aside for that purpose early in development. These cells are called germ-line cells and eventually undergo a type of cell division called meiosis (Gr. meiosis, diminution). Meiosis occurs in germ-line cells of the ovaries and testes and reduces the number of chromosomes to the haploid (1N) number. The nuclei of the two gametes combine during fertilization and restore the diploid number. Meiosis begins after the G2 phase in the cell cycle— after DNA replication. Two successive nuclear divisions, designated meiosis I and meiosis II, take place. The two nuclear divisions of meiosis result in four daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. Moreover, these daughter cells are not genetically identical. Like mitosis, meiosis is a continuous process, and biologists divide it into the phases that follow only for convenience.

The First Meiotic Division

 In prophase I, chromatin folds and chromosomes become visible under a light microscope. Because a cell has a copy of each type of chromosome from each original parent cell, it contains the diploid number of chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes (homologues) carry genes for the same traits, are the same length, and have a similar staining pattern, making them identifiable as matching pairs. During prophase I, homologous chromosomes line up side-by-side in a process called  synapsis (Gr.  synapsis, conjunction), forming a tetrad of chromatids (also called a bivalent). The tetrad thus contains the two homologous chromosomes, one is maternal in origin and one is paternal in origin. An elaborate network of protein is laid down between the two homologous chromosomes. This network holds the homologous chromosomes in a precise union so that corresponding genetic regions of the homologous chromosomes are exactly aligned. Synapsis also initiates a series of events called crossingover, whereby the nonsister chromatids of the two homologous chromosomes in a tetrad exchange DNA segments. This process effectively redistributes genetic information among the paired homologous chromosomes and produces

new combinations of genes on the various chromatids in homologous pairs. Thus, each chromatid ends up with new combinations of instructions for a variety of traits. Crossingover is a form of genetic recombination and is a major source of genetic variation in a population of a given species. In metaphase I, the microtubules form a spindle apparatus just as in mitosis. However, unlike mitosis, where homologous chromosomes do not pair,  each pair of homologues lines up in the center of the cell, with centromeres on each side of the spindle equator. Anaphase I begins when homologous chromosomes separate and begin to move toward each pole. Because the orientation of each pair of homologous chromosomes in the center of the cell is random, the specific chromosomes that each pole receives from each pair of homologues are also random. This random distribution of members of each homologous pair tothe poles of the cell, along with the genetic recombination between homologous chromosomes that occurs during  crossing-over (prophase I), means that no two daughter cells produced by meiotic cell division will be identical. Meiotic telophase I is similar to mitotic telophase. The transition to the second nuclear division is called inter-kinesis. Cells proceeding through interkinesis do not replicate their DNA. After a varying time period, meiosis II occurs.

The Second Meiotic Division

The second meiotic division (meiosis II) resembles an ordinary mitotic division (see figure 3.6b), except that the number of chromosomes has been reduced by half. The phases are prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telo-phase II. At the end of telo-phase II and cytokinesis, the final products of these two divisions of meiosis are four new “division products.” In most animals, each of these “division products” is haploid and may function directly as a gamete (sex cell).

Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis

The result of meiosis in most animals is the formation of sperm and egg cells. Spermatogenesis produces mature sperm cells and follows the sequence previously described. All four products of meiosis often acquire a flagellum for locomotion and a cap like structure that aids in the penetration of the egg.  Oogenesis produces a mature ovum or egg. It differs from spermatogenesis in that only one of the four meiotic products develops into the functional gamete. The other products of meiosis are called polar bodies and eventually disintegrate. In some animals the mature egg is the product of the first  meiotic division and only completes meiosis if it is fertilized by a sperm cell.

meiotic and cytoplasmic divisions during which homologous pairs of chromosomes undergo synapsis, including crossingover, followed by the separation of members of each pair into gametes that have one-half the number of chromosomes of the parental cells. Fertilization restores the diploid (2N) chromosome number in the zygote.

 Animal Tissues 

In an animal, individual cells differentiate during development to perform special functions as aggregates called tissues.

A tissue (Fr. tissu, woven) is a group of similar cells specialized for the performance of a common function. The study of tissues is called histology (Gr. histos, tissue 1 logos, discourse).

 Animal tissues are classified as

1.    1. Epithelial tissue

2.    2. Connective tissue

3.    3. muscle tissue

4.     4. nervous tissue

1.   Epithelial Tissue: 

 Many Forms and Functions

Epithelial tissue exists in many structural forms. In general, it  either covers or lines something and typically consists of renewable sheets of cells that have surface specializations adapted for their specific roles. Usually, a basement membrane separates epithelial tissues from underlying, adjacent tissues. Epithelial tissues absorb (e.g., the lining of the small intestine), transport (e.g., kidney tubules), excrete (e.g., sweat and endocrine glands), protect (e.g., the skin), and contain nerve cells for sensory reception (e.g., the taste buds in the tongue). The size, shape, and arrangement of epithelial cells are directly related to these specific functions.

Epithelial tissues are classified on the basis of shape and the number of layers present. Epithelium can be simple, consisting of only one layer of cells, or stratified, consisting of two or more stacked layers. Individual epithelial cells can be flat (squamous epithelium;), cube shaped (cuboidal epithelium;), or column like (columnar epithelium). The cells of pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium possess cilia and appear stratified or layered, but they are not, hence the prefix pseudo. They look layered because their nuclei are at two or more levels within cells of the tissues and they grow in height as old cells are replaced by new ones.

Types of Epithelium Tissue:

(a)  Simple squamous epithelium consists of a single layer of tightly packed, flattened cells with a disk-shaped central nucleus .  

  Location:   Air sacs of the lungs,  kidney glomeruli, lining of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels.

  Function:   Allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration.

(b)   Simple cuboidal epithelium consists of a single layer of tightly packed, cube-shaped cells. Notice the cell layer indicated by the arrow.

  Location:     Kidney tubules, ducts and small glands, and surface of ovary.

   Function:    Secretion and absorption.

(c)  Simple columnar epithelium consists of a single layer of elongated cells. The arrow points to a specialized goblet cell that secretes mucus.

    Location:    Lines digestive tract, gallbladder, and excretory ducts of some glands. 

    Function:    Absorption, enzyme secretion.

(d)   Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. A tuft of cilia tops each columnar cell, except for goblet cells

  Location:  Lines bronchi, uterine tubes, and some regions of the uterus.

 Function: Propels mucus or reproductive cells by ciliary action.

(e)   Stratified squamous epithelium consists of many layers of cells.

Location:   Lines esophagus, mouth, and vagina. Keratinized variety lines the surface of the skin. 
Function:   Protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion

1.   Connective Tissue: 

Connection and Support Connective tissues support and bind.

Unlike epithelial tissues, connective tissues are distributed throughout an extracellular matrix. This matrix frequently contains fibers that are embedded in a ground substance with a consistency anywhere from liquid to solid. To a large extent, the nature of this extracellular material determines the functional properties of the various connective tissues.

Connective tissues have two general types of fiber arrangement. In loose connective tissue, strong, flexible fibers of the protein collagen are interwoven with fine, elastic, and reticular fibers, giving loose connective tissue its elastic consistency and making it an excellent binding tissue (e.g., binding the skin to underlying muscle tissue). In fibrous connective tissue, the collagen fibers are densely packed and may lie parallel to one another, creating very strong cords, such as tendons (which connect muscles to bones or to other muscles) and ligaments (which connect bones to bones). Adipose tissue is a type of loose connective tissue that consists of large cells that store lipid. Most often, the cells accumulate in large numbers to form what is commonly called fat.

i.        Loose connective tissue contains numerous fibroblasts (arrows) that produce collagenous and elastic fibers. Location: Widely distributed under the epithelia of the human body. Function: Wraps and cushions organs.

ii.        Fibrous connective tissue consists largely of tightly packed collagenous fibers.

Location: Dermis of the skin, sub-mucosa of the digestive tract, and fibrous capsules of organs and joints.

Function: Provides structural strength.

iii.        Blood is a type of connective tissue. It consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets suspended in an intercellular fluid (plasma) .

Location: Within blood vessels.

 Function: Transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, hormones, minerals, vitamins, and other substances throughout the bodies of animals.

(a)  Adipose tissue cells (adipocytes) contain large fat droplets that push the nuclei close to the plasma membrane. The arrow points to a nucleus.

Location:   Around kidneys, under skin, in bones, within abdomen, and in breasts.       Function:   Provides reserve fuel (lipids), insulates against heat loss, and supports and protects organs.


Cartilage is a hard yet flexible tissue that supports structures such as the outer ear and forms the entire skeleton of animals such as sharks and rays . Cells called chondrocytes lie within spaces called lacunae that are surrounded by a rubbery matrix that chondros-blasts secrete. This matrix, along with the collagen and/or elastin fibers, gives cartilage its strength and elasticity. Bone cells (osteocytes) also lie within lacunae, but the matrix around them is heavily impregnated with calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, making this kind of tissue hard and ideally suited for its functions of support and protection.

a)    Hyaline cartilage cells are located in lacunae (arrow) surrounded by intercellular material containing fine collagenous fibers. Location: Forms embryonic skeleton; covers ends of long bones; and forms cartilage of nose, trachea, and larynx. Function: Support and reinforcement.

b)     Elastic cartilage contains fine collagenous fibers and many elastic fibers in its intercellular material. Location: External ear, epiglottis. Function: Maintains a structure’s shape while allowing great flexibility.

c)     Fibrocartilage contains many large, collagenous fibers in its intercellular material. The arrow points to a fibroblast. Location: Intervertebral disks, pubic symphysis, and disks of knee joint. Function: Absorbs compression shock.

d)     Bone (osseous) tissue. Bone matrix is deposited in concentric layers around osteonic canals. Location: Bones.  Function: Supports, protects, provides lever system for muscles to act on, stores calcium and fat, and forms blood cells. 

3.   Muscle Tissue:

 Movement Muscle tissue allows movement. The three kinds of muscle tissue are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Skeletal muscle is attached to bones and makes body movement possible in vertebrates. The rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle create a churning action (as in the stomach), help propel material through a tubular structure (as in the intestines), and control size changes in hollow organs such as the urinary bladder and uterus. The contractions of cardiac muscle result in the heart beating.

(a)  Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of striated muscle fibers (cells) that are long and cylindrical and contain many peripheral nuclei. Location: In skeletal muscles attached to bones. Function: Voluntary movement, locomotion.

(b)  Smooth muscle tissue is formed of spindle-shaped cells, each containing a single centrally located nucleus (arrow). Cells are arranged closely to form sheets. Smooth muscle tissue is not striated. Location: Mostly in the walls of hollow organs. Function: Moves substances or objects (foodstuffs, urine, a baby) along internal passageways; involuntary control.


(c)   Cardiac muscle tissue consists of branched striated cells, each containing a single nucleus and specialized cell junctions called intercalated disks (arrow) that allow ions (action potentials) to move quickly from cell to cell. Location: The walls of the heart. Function: As the walls of the heart contract, cardiac muscle tissue propels blood into the circulation; involuntary control.

4.   Nervous Tissue:

Communication Nervous tissue is composed of several different types of cells: Impulse-conducting cells are called neurons. cells involved with protection, support, and nourishment arecalled neuroglia; and cells that form sheaths and help protect, nourish, and maintain cells of the peripheral nervous system are called peripheral glial cells. 


Neurons in nervous tissue transmit electrical signals to other neurons, muscles, or glands. Location: Brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Function: Transmits electrical signals from sensory receptors to the spinal cord or brain, and from the spinal cord or brain to effectors (muscles and glands). 


                               Full Book Solved Mcqs of Biology Class 9th

1. The animal which produces lost part with the process of regeneration is.

a)  Sea Urchen

b)  Sea Lion

 c)  Sea Star

 d)  Paramecium

Correct Answer Sea Star 

2. The example of micronutrients is?

a)  Phosphorous

b)  Calcium

c)  Sulphur

d)  Iron

Correct Answer Iron

3. Plant tissue which have ability to divide?

a)  Epidurmal tissues

b)  Grounds tissues

c)  Support tissues

 d) Meristematic tissue

Correct Answer Meristematic tissue

4. What is the order " of human accourding to classification"?

a)  Mammalia

 b)  Primates

c)  Hominidae

d)  Homo

 Correct Answer Primates

 5. In which stages of the cycle cells spend their lives.

a)  Prophase

 b)  Metaphase

 c)  Telephase

d)  Interphase

Correct Answer Interphase

6. Nerve tissue is found in?

a)  Brain

b)  Spinal card

 c)  Nerves

d)  All A, B and C

 Correct Answer All A, B and C 

7. __________ are the most numerous in healthy human blood?

  a)  Red blood cells

b)  White blood cells

c)  Platelets

 d)  Monocye.

Correct Answer Red blood cells

8)Robert Hooke used microscope to examine cork in_________?

a)  1958

 b)  1665

 c)  1560

d)  1470

Correct Answer 1665

9. Which of the following vitamins works as co-enzymes?

a)  Vitamin B

b)  Vitamin D

 c)  Vitamin C

d)  Riboflavin

Correct Answer Riboflavin

10. The blood vessels that carry blood away from heart?وہ

a)  Arteries

b)  Veins

c)  Capillaries

d)  Lymph

 Correct Answer Arteries

11. Transpiration rate depends upon?

a)  Leaf surface area

b)  Water content

c)  Temperature

d)  All of these

Correct Answer All of these 

12. The second function of oral cavity is the griding of food by teeth is called?

a)  Lubricaton

 b)  Defecation

c)  Absorption

d)  Peristalsis

Correct Answer Peristalsis 

13. Enzymes used for cleaning utensils is________.

a)  Amylase

b)  Tryspin

c)  Lipase

 d)  Tylon

Correct Answer Amylase

14. The greatest fuel energy for cellular respiration is?

a)  Glucose

 b)  Protein

c)  Amino acids

d)  Lipids

Correct Answer Glucose

15. The founder of medicine is?

a)  Bu Ali Sina

 b)  Abdul Malik Asmai

c)  Jabir Bin Hayan

d)  Al-Berruni

Correct Answer Bu Ali Sina 

16. Which protein is blood clotting?

a)  Albumin

 b)  Fibrinogen

c)  Globlin

d)  Hemoglobin

Correct Answer Fibrinogen

 17. Stroma is found in?

a)  Chloroplast

 b)  Ribosomes

c)  Golgi bodies

d)  Mitochondria

Correct Answer Chloroplast

18. An example of micronutrient is?

 a)  Zinc

b)  Oxygen

c)  Nitrogen

d)  Sulphur

 Correct Answer Zinc

19. In 1894 proposed lock and key model  

a)  Aristotle

 b)  Robert Hook

 c)  Emli Fischer

 d)  Louis pasteue

 Correct Answer Emli Fischer

20. Blood cancer is?

a)  Thalassaemia

b)  Pneumonia

 c)  Leukaemia

 d)  Thalassaemia

 Correct Answer Leukaemia

21. Number of person increasing in the world population after every one minute?

   a)  180

 b)  290

 c)  280

d)  490

Correct Answer 290

22. Organelles assemble to form?

 a)  Cells

 b)  Tissues

c)  System

d)  Organ

 Correct Answer Cells

23. ________ is used in aerobic respiration?

 a)  Oxygen

b)  Carbon dioxide

c)  Light

d)  Nitrogen

 Correct Answer Oxygen

24. More than half of the total calories that every animal consumes com from? 

a)  Carbohydrates

b)  Lipids

c)  proteins

 d)  Vitamins

Correct Answer Carbohydrates

25. Lipase enzyme act on only.

a)  Carbohydrates

b)  Proteins

c)  Lipids

 d)  Starch

Correct Answer Lipids

26. In 2010 the population of human in Pakistan was (million)?

  a)  117.5

b)  173.5

c)  176.5

d)  198.5

Correct Answer 173.5

 27. Necessary for thyroid glands function?

 a)  Chlorine

 b)  Iodine

 c)  Zinc

d)  Calcium

Correct Answer Iodine

28. The first Muslim scientist who studied animal in detail is?

a)  Jabir Bin Hayan

 b)  Abdul Malik Asmai

c)  Bu Ali Sina

d)  Ibn-e-Sina

 Correct Answer Abdul Malik Asmai

29. Brasica compestiris is the scientific name of the plant?

 a)  Mustard

 b)  Mango

 c)  Tomato

d)  Potato

Correct Answer Mustard

 30. Which enzymes acts on lipids?

a)  Protease

b)  Lipase

c)  Amylase

d)  Pepsin

Correct Answer Lipase

 31. When the tumors remain in their original location are called:

 a)  Bening tumors

b)  Maligant tumors

 c)  Metasis

d)  Non of these

Correct Answer Bening tumors 

 32. lack of blood" is called namely?

a)  Kwarshiorkor

 b)  Anemia

 c)  Marasmus

d)  Goiter

Correct Answer Anemia

33. The Taxon of order was introduced first time?

 a)  Tournefort

 b)  Linnaeus

c)  Rivinus

d)  John Tay

Correct Answer Rivinus

 34. The longest phase of cell cycle is:

a)  Interphase

b)  Prophase

c)  Anaphase

d)  Metaphase

Correct Answer Prophase

 35. During mitosois one cell devided into daughter cell:

a)  2

b)  3

 c)  4

d)  8

Correct Answer 2

36. The loss of electron from atom is called?

a)  Reduction

b)  Oxidation

c)  Anabolism

d)  Catabolism

Correct Answer Oxidation

 37. Whose saying is this make medicine to your nutrition?

a)  AFA king

 b)  Aristotle

c)  Buqrat

 d)  Suqrat

Correct Answer Buqrat

38. Enzyme digesting starch:

a)  Lipase

b)  Amylase

c)  Protease

d)  Trypsin

Correct Answer Amylase

39. Starch is broken down by an enzyme called:

a)  Lipase

 b)  Pepsin

 c)  Amylase

 d)  None of these

 Correct Answer Amylase

40. In one heart beat, diastole remains bout seconds? 

 a)  0.6

 b)  0.8

 c)  0.4

d)  0.7

 Correct Answer 0.4

41)One mole of ATP release energy?

a)  7.8 k.cal

b)  7.9 k.cal

 c)  7.10 k.cal

d)  7.3 k.cal

Correct Answer 7.3 k.cal

42. Fluid mosaic model explains the structure of?

a)  Cell wall

 b)  Cell membrane

c)  Nucleus

d)  Ribosome

 Correct Answer Cell membrane 

43. Which of the organelles have their own DNA?

 a)  Glogi Apparatus

 b)  Ribosomes

 c)  Mitochondria

 d)  All of these

Correct Answer Mitochondria

 44. When does our heart rest?

a)  At night

b)  During sitting

c)  Never

d)  During sleep

Correct Answer Never 

45. Theory of evaluation was proposed by?

a)  Aristotle

 b)  Darwin

 c)  Bu Ali Sina

d)  Lamarck

Correct Answer Darwin

 46. Enzymes lipase acts on lipids and convert then into: 

a)  Acetic acid

b)  Lactic acid

c)  Fatty acids and glycerols

d)  Ascorbic acid

 Correct Answer Fatty acids and glycerols 

47. A genus is a group of related?

a)  Order

b)  Species

c)  Classes

 d)  Families

Correct Answer Species 

48. It help in blood clotting?

a)  Calcium

b)  Chromium

 c)  Nitrogen

d)  Sodium

Correct Answer Calcium

 49. Which dieases causes more deaths in the world?

a)  Malaria

b)  Aids

 c)  Cancer

 d)  Heart Attack

Correct Answer Heart Attack

50. Who was discover kingdom protesta?

a)  Abu usman

b)  Jabir Bin Hayan

c)  Ernist Hackel

d)  Aristotle

Correct Answer Ernist Hackel

51. The part of earth where communities of living organisms exist is called?

a)  Atmosphere

b)  Geosphere

c)  Community

d)  Biosphere

Correct Answer Biosphere

52. The catalytic region on enzyme is called.

a)  Metabotic site

b)  Co-enzymes

 c)  Cofactor

 d)  Active site

Correct Answer Active site

53. Weight of liver in an adult human is?

  a)  2.5 kg

b)  1.5 kg

c)  3 kg

d)  2 kg

Correct Answer 1.5 kg

 54. The microscopic study of tissues is called?

a)  Morphology

b)  Histology

 c)  physiology

d)  cell biology

 Correct Answer Histology

55. Stomata cover only ________ of the leaf surface?

a)  1-2 %

 b)  2-3 %

 c)  3-4 %

d)  4-5 %

Correct Answer 1-2 %

56. ATP was discover by ___________ ?  

a)  Fritz Lipmann

b)  Karl Lohmann

 c)  Humann

d)  Both a & b

Correct Answer Karl Lohmann

57. In cell wall of Fungi has?

a)  Protein

 b)  Chitin

c)  Cellulose

d)  Fats

Correct Answer Chitin 

58. By product of photosynthesis is?

a)  Carbon dioxide

b)  Nitrogen

 c)  Oxygen

d)  None of these

 Correct Answer Oxygen

59. Who translated Aristotl's Booked Anima into Arabic?

 a)  Ibn Rushad

b)  Tourn effort

 c)  Carleus Linnaeus

 d)  John Ray

Correct Answer Ibn Rushad

60. Inter phase divided in.

a)  Three

b)  Two

c)  Five

 d)  Four

Correct Answer Three

61. Which enzymes works in stomach?

a)  Lipase

 b)  Trypsin

c)  Pepsin

d)  Protease

Correct Answer Pepsin

62. The division of nucleus is called.    

  a)  Synapsis

b)  cytokinesis

c)  Karyokinesis

d)  Interphase

Correct Answer Karyokinesis 

63. Which event distinguished meiosis from mitosis?

a)  Breakage of nuclear envelop

b)  Condensation of chromosomes

c)  Pairing of homologous chromosomes

d)  Formation of metaphase plate

Correct Answer Pairing of homologous chromosomes 

  64. In which component of the leaf cell chlorophyll is present?

a)  Plasma membrane

 b)  Thylakoids

c)  Cytoplasm

d)  Stroma

 Correct Answer Thylakoids

 65. The details of dark reaction were discovered by?

a)  Hans Kerb

b)  Robert Brown

 c)  Malvin Calvin

 d)  De Duve

Correct Answer Malvin Calvin

66. Carolus Linnaeus divided nature into kingdom?

 a)  Three

b)  Four

c)  Five

d)  Six

Correct Answer Three

 67. What is true about Volvox?

a)  Unicellular eukaryote

b)  Multicellular eukaryote

 c)  Unicellular eukaryote

 d)  Colonial eukaryote

Correct Answer Colonial eukaryote 

68. Disease due to dificiency of proteins is?

a)  Ulcer

 b)  Goiter

c)  Anemia

d)  Kwashiorker

Correct Answer Kwashiorker  

69. To which category molecules enzymes belong.

a)  Carbohydrates

b)  Protein

c)  Lipids

 d)  Nucleic acid

 Correct Answer Protein

70. When was plasmodium discovered?

a)  1876 AD

 b)  1878 AD

c)  1880 AD

d)  1882 AD

 Correct Answer 1878 AD

71. Kingdom Protista includes?

a)  Cyanobacteria

b)  Bacteria

c)  Algae

 d)  Plants

Correct Answer Algae

  72. The group of nearest genera is called?

a)  Phylum

b)  Class

c)  Order

d)  Family

Correct Answer Family

73. What are the primary nutrients that provide quick energy?

a)  Lipids

 b)  Carbohydrates

 c)  Minerals

d)  Vitamins

Correct Answer Carbohydrates

74. The water lost by transpiration is?

a)  80%

b)  30%

 c)  90%

 d)  40%

 Correct Answer 90%

75. Process of glycolsis is found in __________ ?

a)  Ribosomes

 b)  Cytoplasm

c)  Golgi complex

d)  Vacuole

 Correct Answer Cytoplasm

76. Resolution power of human eye is?

 a)  0.1 mm

 b)  0.01 mm

 c)  10 mm

d)  12 mm

Correct Answer 0.1 mm

 77. It is the smallest bacterium?

a)  0.2 m

b)  0.3 m

 c)  0.4 m

d)  0.1 m

Correct Answer 0.1 m

78. The Surah of Quran which verifies classification is?

a)  Baqra

b)  Al-Noor

c)  Quresh

d)  Yasin

Correct Answer Al-Noor

79. Use nitrogen fertilizer produce greenhouse gas?

 a)  Carbon monoxide

 b)  Carbon dioxide

 c)  Oxygen

d)  Nitrogen Oxide

Correct Answer Nitrogen Oxide

80. The most widely used carbohydrates to get energy is?

a)  Maltose

 b)   Sucrose

c)  Glucose

d)  Lactose

Correct Answer Glucose

81. Jabir bin Hayan was born in?

a)  Iraq

b)  Saudi Arabia

 c)  Iran

 d)  Egypt

Correct Answer Iran

82. Involved in osmosis of water?

a)  Copper

 b)  Chlorine

 c)  Nitrogen

d)  Sulphur

 Correct Answer Chlorine

83. The book "Al-Nabatat" belongs to the muslim scientist?

a)  Jabir Bin Hayan

b)  Abdul Malik Asmai

c)  Bu Ali Sina

 d)  Ibn-e-Nafees

Correct Answer Jabir Bin Hayan 

84. Protease enzymes are used for removal of __ stains from cloths.

a)  Fat

b)  Protein

c)  Starch

d)  Oil

Correct Answer Protein

85. The energy currency of all cells is

 a)  ADP

 b)  AMP

c)  ATP

d)  AFD

Correct Answer ATP

86. Which cell play role in body defence?

a)  Erythrocytes

 b)  Thrombocytes

c)  Basophis

 d)  Leukocytes

 Correct Answer Leukocytes

87. The bark of which plant contain Quinine?

a)  Mango tree

b)  Pinus

c)  Quina-Quina

d)  Gauva tree

Correct Answer Quina-Quina 

88. Cells were first described by?

a)  Aristotle

b)  Robert Brown

 c)  Robert Hook

d)  Schwan

Correct Answer Robert Hook

89. In most plants foods is transported in the form of?

 a)  Glucose

b)  Starch

c)  Sucrose

d)  Proteins

Correct Answer Sucrose

90. The Study of drugs and their effects on human body is called?

 a)  Socio biology

b)  Parasitology

c)  Entomology

 d)  Pharmacology

 Correct Answer Pharmacology

 91. Hepatic portal vein carries blood from?

 a)  Small intestine to liver

b)  Small intestine to heart

c)  lever to heart

d)  Small intestine to colon

 Correct Answer Small intestine to liver

 92. The life of red blood cells is __________ days?

a)  120

b)  122

 c)  124

d)  126

Correct Answer 120

93. Death of heart tissue is called?

a)  Arteriosclerosis

b)  Atherosclerosis

c)  Thalassaemia

 d)  Myocardial infarction

Correct Answer Myocardial infarction

94. Cell die each day by day apoptosis in an adult human:

a)  50-90 billion

 b)  50-80 billion

c)  50-100 billion

 d)  50-70 billion

Correct Answer 50-70 billion

 95. One gram of lipids contains energy?

 a)  04

b)  09

 c)  06

d)  07

Correct Answer 09

 96. Who discovered ABO blood group system?

 a)  Karl Landsteiner

b)  Lamark

c)  Rober Brown

d)  Malvin Calvin

Correct Answer Karl Landsteiner

97. Energy stored in chemical bond is?   

a)  Potential energy

b)  Kinetic energy

c)  Elastic energy

d)  Both A and B

Correct Answer Potential energy

98. A light microscope can magnify objects? 

a)  2500 times

b)  1500 times

c)  2000 times

d)  1000 times

 Correct Answer 1500 times

99.The photograph taken by microscope is called?

 a)  Photograph

 b)  Tonograph

c)  Micrograph

d)  Crdiograph

Correct Answer Micrograph

100. Unicellular is?

a)  Rabbit

b)  Euglena

 c)  Horse

d)  Frog

Correct Answer Euglena

101. Cells performing similar functions arrange into groups?

 a)  Tissues

b)  Organ

c)  Organ system

d)  Organism

Correct Answer Tissues

102. The word meiosis derived from Greek means

 a)  To shorten

 b)  To make greater

c)  To cut

d)  To duplicate

Correct Answer To shorten 

103. The study of Genes and their roles in inhertance is called?

a)  Histology

 b)  Anatomy

c)  Genetics

d)  Inheritance

Correct Answer Genetics

104. In which stage of cell cycle the cell is preparing protein.

a)  S-Phase

b)  G1- Phase

c)  G-2 Phase

d)  M-Phase

 Correct Answer G-2 Phase

 105. A liter of ethanol weighs....... Grams? 

a)  789

b)  897

c)  987

 d)  1000

Correct Answer 789

106. It deals with the study of organisms from ecnomical point of view?

 a)  Socio biology

 b)  Biochemistry

c)  Biogeography

d)  Bio Economics

Correct Answer Bio Economics

107. Which of these can enter into krebs cycle?

a)  Pyruvic acid

 b)  Glucose

 c)  Citric acid

d)  Acetyle Co-enzyme A

Correct Answer Acetyle Co-enzyme A

 108. The fuction of mitochondria is?

a)  Proteins synthesis

b)  Lipid storage

 c)  Cellular respiration

d)  Photosynthesis

Correct Answer Cellular respiration

109. A person with AB  blood group can donate blood to which blood group?

a)  A

b)  B

c)  AB

d)  O

 Correct Answer AB

110. The sites of aerobic respiration in cells are? (

a)  Golgi bodies

b)  Mitochondria

 c)  Ribosomes

d)  Plastids

Correct Answer Mitochondria

111. When fibrinogen makes blood clot separates from blood and the remainder is called? 

 a)  lymph

 b)  Plasma

c)  Serum

d)  Pus

 Correct Answer Serum

112. The division of cytoplasm is called.

a)  Karyokinesis

b)  Phragmoplast

 c)  Phagocytosis

d)  Cytokinesis

 Correct Answer Cytokinesis 

113. Who first used the term enzymes?

a)  Jabir Bin Hayan

 b)  Bu Ali sina

 c)  Winhelm kuhne

 d)  Al Razi

Correct Answer Winhelm kuhne

114. In normal adult human, the weight of heart?

 a)  200-250 gram

b)  150-200gram

c)  250-350gram

d)  100-200Gram

Correct Answer 250-350gram

115. Bauhinia variegate is an ornamental tree found in?

a)  South East Asia

 b)  Centeral Asia

 c)  South Asia

d)  East Asia

Correct Answer South East Asia

116. At which point is biologist most likely to use reasoning?

a)  While taking observation

 b)  During Hypothesis formulation

c)  During data organization

d)  Non of these

Correct Answer During Hypothesis formulation 

117. Stomata close when guard cell?

a)  Lose water

b)  Gain chloride ions

c)  become turgid

d)  Gain potassium ions

Correct Answer Lose water 

118. Plasmodium is transferred by?

a)  Fly

b)  Virus

c)  Mosquito

d)  Bacteria

 Correct Answer Mosquito

 119. Which of the following is a correct sequence in biological method?

a)  Observation - Hypothesis Law

 b)  Observation - Hypothesis Deduction

 c)  Hypothesis - Deduction Law

d)  Law - Theory Observation

Correct Answer Observation - Hypothesis - Deduction

120. Which disease had only treatment Quinine from 17th and 20th century?

 a)  Diarrhoea

b)  Malaria

c)  Tuberculosis

d)  Diarrhoea & Malaira

Correct Answer Malaria

 121. The chromosomes arrange themselves along an equator of cell in this phase

 a)  Prophase

 b)  Metaphase

 c)  Anaphase

 d)  Telephase

 Correct Answer Metaphase

 122. In which part of chloroplast dark reactions of photosynthesis take place?

 a)  Outer membrane

 b)  Inner membrane

c)  Stroma

d)  Thylakoid

 Correct Answer Stroma

 123. The famous book "Al-Abil" is?

a)  Jabir Bin Hayan

 b)  Abdul Malik Asmai

c)  Bu Ali Sina

d)  Ibn-e-Sina

Correct Answer Abdul Malik Asmai

124. Who proposed the induced fir model of enzyme action?

a)Emli Fischer

b)  Daniel koshland

c) Ibn-e-Nafees

d)  Jabir Bin Hayan

Correct Answer Daniel koshland

125.Which of the following tissue layer is found in all blood vessels?

a)  Smooth muscle

b)  Endothelium

c)  Skeletal muscle

d)  Connective tissue.

Correct Answer Endothelium  

126)The disease of kwashiorkor and Morasmus is due to?

a)  Mineral deficiency

 b)  Ulcer

c)  Protein energy malnutrition

d)  Over intake of nutrients

 Correct Answer Protein energy malnutrition

127. The force which carries water upward through xylem in plant is called?

a)  Osmosis

b)  Turgor

c)  Transpiration

d)  Transpiration pull

Correct Answer Transpiration pull

128. The scientific method in which biological problem are solved is called?

 a)  Geological problem

b)  Biological method

c)  Non-Biological method

d)  All of these

Correct Answer Biological method 

129)Tumors are produced as a result of errors in:

a)  Meiosis

 b)  Mitosis

c)  Binary fission

d)  Multi fussion

Correct Answer Mitosis 

130. Which one of the following is Macromolecule?

a)  Glucose

b)  Water

c)  Hydrogen

d)  Starch

Correct Answer Starch

131. Microfilaments are made up of_______?

a)  Tubulin

b)  Tropomyosin

c)  Myosin

 d)  Actin

 Correct Answer Actin

132. Accidental death of cells and living Tissue is called

 a)  Apoptosis

b)  Necrosis

c)  Cell Regeneration

d)  Fragmentaion

Correct Answer Necrosis

 133. The animal unable to reproduce is?

a)  Monkey

b)  Horse

c)  Donkey

d)  Mule

Correct Answer Mule

134. The disease caused by the deficincy of vitamin A is?

a)  Scurvy

b)  Rickets

 c)  Osteomalacia

d)  Night blindness

Correct Answer Night blindness

135. Which are these are responsible for blood clotting?

a)  Platelets

 b)  Erythrocytes

c)  Neutripjils

d)  Basophlis

Correct Answer Platelets

 136)Cell Organelle for manufacturing protien is?

a)  Mitochondria

 b)  Ribosomes

 c)  Golgi bodies

d)  Nucleus

Correct Answer Ribosomes

 137. Which vitamin is made by bacteria in colon?

a)  Vitamin C

b)  Vitamin D

 c)  Vitamin E

d)  Vitamin K

Correct Answer Vitamin K

138. Man always remained a?

a)  Chemist

 b)  Biologist

c)  Geologest

 d)  Bacteria

Correct Answer Biologist 

139. Chlorophyll pigment absorbs maximum light in the wave length of?

a)  Green and blue

b)  Only green

 c)  Green and red

d)  Red and blue

Correct Answer Red and blue

140. Sites of respiration and major energy production are?

a)  Golgi bodies

b)  Mitochondria

c)  Ribosomes

d)  Nucleus

Correct Answer Mitochondria

141. The basic and common source of energy for animals is?

a)  Carbohydrates

 b)  Proteins

c)  Lipids

d)  Minerals

Correct Answer Carbohydrates

142. The optimum temperature for the maximum working speed of humanenzyme. 

a)  27° C

b)  35° C

 c)  0° C

 d)  37° C

Correct Answer 37° C

 143. Ronald Ross performed experiments in?

 a)  1878

b)  1880

c)  1885

d)  1888

Correct Answer 1880

 144. Function of chloroplast is?

a)  Photosynhthesis

 b)  ATP Formation

c)  Protein Formation

d)  DNA Replication

Correct Answer Photosynhthesis


145)Only few molecules can pass through it?

a)  Premeable membrane

b)  Semi-Permiable membrane

c)  Non- permeable membrane

d)  Cell wall

Correct Answer Semi-Permiable membrane 

146. Histology is the scientific study of?

a)  Organs

b)  Cells

c)  Muscles

d)  Tissues

Correct Answer Tissues

147. is the study of insects?

a)  Taxonomy

b)  Entomology

c)  Physiology

 d)  Immunology

Correct Answer Entomology

148. The example of colonial Organization is?

 a)  Volvox

 b)  Spirogyra

c)  Euglena

d)  Bacteria

Correct Answer Volvox

149. Through which process organisms gets energy?

a)  Photosynthesis

b)  Respiration

 c)  Transpiration

d)  Evaporation

Correct Answer Respiration

150. Duplicate of choromosomes occur in:

a)  S Phase

b)  M Phase

 c)  G 1 Phase

d)  Prophase

Correct Answer S Phase

151. Last 3.5 meters long part of small intestine is?

a)  Duodenum

b)  Jejunum

c)  Ileum

 d)  None of these

Correct Answer Ileum

152. Which one of the following blood group is universal donar?

a)  AB

b)  O(-ve)

c)  A

d)  O(+ve)

Correct Answer O(-ve)

153. The scientific study of living things is called?

a)  Physics

 b)  Chemistry

 c)  Biology

d)  Farming

Correct Answer Biology

 154. The whole series of light reactions is called? 

a)  S-scheme

b)  Z-Sheme

c)  L-scheme

d)  Non of these

Correct Answer Z-Sheme

155)Mitosis consists of how many phases?

a)  Three

b)  Two

 c)  Five

d)  Four

Correct Answer Two

156. Robert Hook was a scientist?

a)  Greek

 b)  Iranian

c)  Polish

d)  British

 Correct Answer British

157)Lysosomes were dicovered by?

a)  Camillio Golgi

 b)  Robert Hook

c)  Schwan

d)  Christain Rene Duve

 Correct Answer Christain Rene Duve 

158. The part of alimentary canal in which maximum digestion occurs?

a)  Oesophagus

b)  Stomach

c)  Small intestine

d)  Larg intestine

Correct Answer Stomach

159. The scientific study of plants is called?

a)  Botany

b)  Zoology

c)  Anatomy

 d)  Histalogy

Correct Answer Botany

160. The hypothesis thatt often tested and never rejected are called?

a)  Laws

b)  Theories

c)  Deductions

 d)  Experiments

 Correct Answer Theories

161. Enzymes are made up of:

a)  Fatty acids

b)  Nucleic acids

c)  Carbohydrates

 d)  Amino acids

Correct Answer Amino acids

162. French army physicion who worked on malaria in 1878?  

a)  Laveran

b)  Ronald Ross

 c)  A.F.A king

d)  Mendel

 Correct Answer Laveran  

163. Complete set of spindle fiber is known as:

 a)  Chromatin

b)  Kinetochore

c)  Mitotic spindle

d)  Cleavage

 Correct Answer Mitotic spindle

  164. All most all enzymes are:

a)  Protein

b)  Vitamin

c)  Fatty acid

d)  Minerals

Correct Answer Protein

165. Cell wall is found in all organisms expect_________?

a)  Plants

 b)  Animal

c)  Bacteria

 d)  Fungi

Correct Answer Animal

166. Book of Bu Ali Sina on medicine is?

a)  Al-Nabatat

 b)  Al-Wahoosh

c)  Al Qanoon - Fill - Tib

d)  Al-Haywan

 Correct Answer Al Qanoon - Fill - Tib

167. Anopheles mosquito causes a disease?

 a)  Dengue fever

b)  Malaria fever

c)  Typhoid fever

d)  Flu fever

Correct Answer Malaria fever

168. Which of the following group includes organisms all of which are prokaryotes?پ

  a)  Monera

 b)  Protista

c)  Fungi

 d)  Animalia

 Correct Answer Monera

169. In the cell wall of plants the chemical present is?

a)  Lignin

 b)  Cellulose

c)  Chitin

d)  None of these

 Correct Answer Cellulose

170. ATP molecules was discover in _____________ ?

a)  1829

b)  1939

 c)  1929

d)  1839

Correct Answer 1929

171. Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of ____________?

a)  Vitamin A

 b)  Vitamin B

c)  Vitamin C

d)  Vitamin D

Correct Answer Vitamin C

172. Eucalyptus plants were imported from?

a)  China

 b)  Asutraila

 c)  Africa

d)  India

Correct Answer Asutraila  

173. The Plant present in particular region are called? (

a)  Flora

 b)  Fauna

c)  fungi

 d)  Ecosystem

Correct Answer Flora

174. Which solution indicates the presence of protein?

a)  Sudan red

 b)  Iodine

c)  Benedicts

d)  Biurete

Correct Answer Biurete

175. What is the function of Ribosome?

a)  Secrete Secretions

b)  Glucose synthesis

 c)  Break Down of Fats

d)  Protein

sythesis Correct Answer Protein sythesis

176. In which season houbara bustard migrates to pakistan and settles here?

a)  Summer

b)  Spring

c)  Autumn

 d)  Winter

Correct Answer Winter

177. The study of fossils is called?

a)  Taxonomy

b)  Socio biology

 c)  Genetics

 d)  Paleontology

Correct Answer Paleontology

 178. From which bond of ATP ______________ energy is taken?   

a)  P-P Bond

 b)  C-H Bond

 c)  C-O Bond

d) C-N Bond

Correct Answer P-P Bond

 179. Ulcer occurs in?

a)  Stomach

 b)  Duodenum

c)  Esophagus

 d)  All of these

Correct Answer All of these

180. Inactive form of protein digesting enzyme is?

 a)  Pepsinogen

b)  Pepsin

 c)  Amylase

 d)  Lipase

 Correct Answer Pepsinogen

 181. In which biochemical reaction energy is released:

a)  Anabolism

b)  Metabolism

 c)  Catabolism

 d)  Newton

Correct Answer Catabolism 

182. In which stage of respiration carbon dioxide gas is produced?

a)  Glycolysis

b)  Kerbs cycle

c)  Electron transport

d)  None of these

Correct Answer Kerbs cycle

183. Cause of malaria in human being is?

a)  Anopheles

 b)  Culex

c)  Dengue

d)  Aphids

Correct Answer Anopheles

184. Example of micro molecule is?

a)  Glucose

 b)  Starch

 c)  Lipids

d)  Proteins

 Correct Answer Glucose

185. Water enters into root hairs by means of?

a)  Diffusion

 b)  Osmosis

 c)  Active transport

d)  Passive transport

Correct Answer Osmosis

186.Blood is the type of tissue?

a)  Epithelial

b)  Nervous

c)  Connective

 d)  Muscle

 Correct Answer Connective

187. Inner Layers of mitochondria are called?

a)  Cristae

b)  Thylakoids

 c)  Matrix

d)  Stroma

 Correct Answer Cristae

 188. What is called the layer of cutin in plants?

a)  Cuticle

 b)  Epidermis

c)  Cortex

d)  Leaf hairs

Correct Answer Cuticle

189. The wall of prokaryotes is composed of?

 a)  Lignin

 b)  Cellulose

 c)  Peptidoglycan

d)  Chitin

 Correct Answer Peptidoglycan 

190. Which reaction occurs on the thylakoid membrane of chloroplast?

a)  Dark reaction

 b)  Light reaction

c)  Electron transport

d)  Glycolysis

Correct Answer Light reaction 

191. Himalayian jungle project was started in?  

a)  1991

b)  1995

c)  1997

d)  2013

 Correct Answer 1991

 192. Lub-dubb can be heard with the help of?  

a)  Stethoscope

b)  Telescope

c)  Microscope

 d)  Sound box

Correct Answer Stethoscope

193. Star fish eats?

a)  Algae

 b)  Fungi

c)  Bacteria

d)  Mussels

 Correct Answer Mussels

194. The process of breaking down large droplets of fat into small droplets is called?

a)  Emulsification

b)  Absorption

c)  Peristalsis

 d)  Churning

Correct Answer Emulsification

 195. Exchange of material only take place between blood and tissues through?

 a)  Arteries

b)  Veins

 c)  Capillaries

d)  All of these

Correct Answer Capillaries

196. The process of breaking up complex substances into simpler substance is?

a)  Ingestion

 b)  Digestion

 c)  Assimilation

d)  Aborption

Correct Answer Digestion

197. The bark of which tree was very suitable for curing malaria?

a)  Cedrus

b)  Pinus

c)  Cinchona

d)  Cactus

Correct Answer Cinchona

198. Which of these mojor elements in the highest percentage in protoplasm?

 a)  Carbon

 b)  Hydrogen

c)  Nitrogen

 d)  Oxygen

Correct Answer Oxygen

 199. The use of microscope is known as?

a)  Photography

b)  Endoscopy

c)  Microscopy

d)  Micrograph

Correct Answer Microscopy

200. Abdul Malik Asmai was born in?

  a)  721 AD

b)  780 AD

c)  740 AD

 d)  980 AD

Correct Answer 740 AD

201. Whic tissue from communication system of the body?    

a)  Supporting tissue

b)  Muscle Tissue

c)  simple tissue

d)  Nerve tissue

Correct Answer Nerve tissue

202. An average volume of blood in adult body is about?    

a)  5 liters

 b)  10 liters

c)  15 liters

d)  30 liters

Correct Answer 5 liters 

203. Which type of muscles are responsible for bird's wings flapping?

 a)  Skeletal muscles

 b)  Smooth muscles

c)  cardiac muscles

d)  Epithelial

Correct Answer Skeletal muscles 

204. Dark reactions are part of?

a)  Respiration

 b)  Necrosis

 c)  Photosynthesis

d)  Metastasis

Correct Answer Photosynthesis 

205. Transport of water and soluble materials from roots to the aerial parts is done?

a)  Phloem tissue

b)  Xylem tissue

 c)  Stromal tissue

d)  Both A & B

Correct Answer Xylem tissue

206. "Scientific knowledge is the common heritage of mankind" is saying of?

a)  Dr. Abdul Qadeer

b)  Dr. Allama Iqbal

c)  Dr. Abdul Salam

d)  Dr.  william Georg

 Correct Answer Dr. Abdul Salam

207)The stack of thylakoids is called_________ ?

a)  Stroma

b)  Cristae

c)  Granum

d)  Leucoplast

Correct Answer Granum

208. The organ specialaized for the digestion of proteins?

a)  Liver

 b)  Stomach

 c)  Pancreas

d)  Oral cavity

Correct Answer Stomach

209. In 1665 a British scientist first of all discovered cell?

a)  Robert Brown

b)  Robert Hook

c)  Aristotle

 d)  Jabir Bin Hayan

Correct Answer Robert Hook

210. Enzymes used for the removal of protein stains from clothes is.

۔a)  Protease

b)  Lipase

 c)  Amylase

 d)  Pepsin

 Correct Answer Protease

211. Water makes the composition of protoplasm of all living things?

a)  60%-95%

 b)  60%-80%

 c)  60%-90%

d)  60%-70%

Correct Answer 60%-70%

212. Study of characteristics from one generation to the next generation is called?

a)  Genetics

 b)  Anatomy

c)  Histology

d)  Inheritance

Correct Answer Inheritance 

213. When chlorophyll molecule absorbs light their energy level increase and are emitted? 

a)  Proton

b)  Neutron

c)  Electron

 d)  None of these

Correct Answer Electron

214. Common example of kingdom fungi is?

a)  Mushrooms

b)  Fern

c)  Algae

d)  Mosses

Correct Answer Mushrooms

 215. Female mosquitoes needs the blood of________ for the maturation of?

 a)  Mammals

 b)  Birds

 c)  Both A and B

 d)  Reptiles

Correct Answer Both A and B

216. A family is a group of related?

a)  Genera

b)  Orders

c)  Species

Correct Answer Genera

217. Same species living in the same place at the same time make a_________.

  a)  Habitual

 b)  biosphere

 c)  Community

 d)  Population

Correct Answer Population

 218. Mustard plant is grown in?

a)  Winter

 b)  Summer

c)  Spring

d)  Autumn

Correct Answer Winter

219. Where are villi found?

a)  Stomach

b)  Esophagus

 c)  Small intestine

d)  Large intestine

Correct Answer Small intestine 

220. The largest and strongest chamber in heart is?

a)  Right Atrium

b)  Left Atrium

c)  Right ventricle

d)  Left Ventricles

 Correct Answer Left Ventricles

221. Molecules at which enzymes act are called.

a)  Catalyst

 b)  Substractes

c)  Production

d)  Charges

Correct Answer Substractes

222. In which phase of mitosis nuclear envelop of a cell is broken down?

a)  Prophase

 b)  Metaphase

c)  Anaphase

 d)  Telephase

Correct Answer Prophase

223. Myocardium means?

 a)  Death of tissue

b)  Mucles of heart

c)  Ambulus

 d)  Chyme

Correct Answer Mucles of heart

224. It deals with the clasification of organisms?

a)  Taxonomy

b)  Entamology

c)  Anatomy

d)  Botany

Correct Answer Taxonomy

225. A group of related species is?

a)  Order

b)  Genus

c)  Phylum

d)  Kingdom

Correct Answer Genus

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