Mcqs about Frog (amphibians)


1- The skin of frog is meant for

a.       Respiration

b.      Protection

c.       Water absorption

d.      All of these

2- Which gland play a key role in metamorphosis of frog’s tadpole?

a.       Thymus

b.      Adernalpencreas

c.       Thyroid

d.      Pencrease

3- In frog, the surface of attachment of tongue is

a.       Pterygoid

b.      Sphenoid

c.       Hyoid apparatus

d.      Palatin

4- Structure which remains unchanged during metamorphosis of frog’s tadpole in

a.       Heart

b.      Lungs

c.       Intestine

d.      Nervous system

5- The kidney of adult frog is

a.       Metanephros

b.      Pronephrons

c.       Mesonephros

d.       Opisthonephros

6- frog lack

a.       Molar

b.      Premolar

c.       Incisors

d.      None of these

7- Frog’s  tadpole are

a.      Ammonotelic

b.      Uricotelic

c.       Ureotelic

d.      None of these

8- The 8th  vertebrae of frog is

a.      Amphicoelous

b.      Amphiplatyan

c.       Precoelous

d.      Acoelous

9- During hibernation frog respires through

a.       Gills

b.      Lungs

c.       Integument

d.      Tympaunm

10-Due to less amount of iodine in water, metamorphosis of frog tadpole is

a.       Stopped

b.      Delayed

c.       Accelerate

d.      Not affected

11. Dicondylic skull along with ten pairs of cranial nerves is found in

(a) Mammalia

(b) Amphibia

(c) Reptilia

(d) Pisces

12. This about Class Amphibia is correct

(i) fertilization is internal

(ii) respiration is through gills only

(iii) body is divisible into head and trunk

(iv) heart is two chambered – one ventricle and one auricle


13. A frog has

(a) jaws but no teeth

(b) eyes but no lids

(c) ears but no pinnae

(d) hands but no fingers


14. Even after attaining sexual maturity, larval characters are retained. It is known as

(a) Phylogenesis

(b) Neoteny

(c) Parthenogenesis

(d) Ontogenesis


15. Frogs dwell in water or in the vicinity of water as

(a) it respires through the skin

(b) it can see through its transparent eyelids whilst swimming

(c) its hindlimbs are webbed, facilitating to swim

(d) water is a good source for food


16. In amphibians, Organ of Jacobson is for

(a) temperature

(b) pressure

(c) smell

(d) sound


17. The differentiating factor of the venous system of frog and rabbit is in the presence of this

(a) hepatic vein

(b) three vena cavae

(c) renal portal system

(d) hepatic portal system


18. Neck is not found in a frog. This absence helps the frog to

(a) swim in water

(b) respire

(c) catch prey

(d) jump on ground


19. The body temperature of a frog is 20 degrees celsius in an environment having a temperature of 30 degrees celsius. The temperature of the frog in the new environment is

(a) 25 degrees celsius

(b) 20 degrees celsius

(c) 30 degrees celsius

(d) between 20-30 degrees celsius


20. This is not a true amphibian animal

(a) Toad

(b) Salamander

(c) Tortoise

(d) Frog

21. Which of these statements is true about frog?
a) It lives both on land and in sea water
b) They cannot survive in freshwater
c) Rana tigrina is a rare species
d) They belong to class Amphibia


22. Frogs are _______
a) homeothermic
b) warm-blooded
c) poikilothermic
d) heterothermic


23. Which of these methods are utilized by frogs for protection?
a) Speed
b) Spikes
c) Mimicry
d) Playing dead

24. Which of these statements is false about frogs?
a) They do not aestivate
b) They change color
c) They live in burrows
d) They hibernate

25. Which of these describes the skin of frog?
a) Thick, leathery
b) Smooth, slippery
c) Hard, dry
d) Thin, membranous


26. Which of these are the divisions of the body of a frog?
a) Head, trunk, abdomen
b) Head, thorax, abdomen
c) Head, trunk
d) Head, thorax, trunk

27. Which of these structures protects the eyes of the frog in water?
a) Nictitating membrane
b) Tympanum
c) Bidder’s canal
d) Cloaca

28. Which of these structures in frog receive sound signals?
a) Webbed feet
b) Skin
c) Nictitating membrane
d) Tympanum

29. How many digits does the forelimb and hindlimb of frog have respectively?
a) 3, 4
b) 5, 4
c) 4, 5
d) 4, 3

30. Which of this is not a distinguishing feature of a male frog?
a) Narrow abdomen
b) Copulatory pad
c) Vocal sacs

d) Moist, slippery skin

31. Which of this is not a distinguishing feature of a male frog?
a) Narrow abdomen
b) Copulatory pad
c) Vocal sacs
d) Moist, slippery skin

32. Frogs are ______
a) herbivores
b) omnivores
c) carnivores
d) scavengers

33. Which of these characteristics of frog is the reason for its short alimentary canal?
a) Carnivorous
b) Sexual dimorphism
c) Amphibian
d) Chordate

34. Identify ‘3’ in the pathway of food ingested by frog.

a)    Larynx
b) Pharynx
c) Gizzard
d) Crop


35.  Which of these structures is not a part of excretory system in frogs?
a) Cloaca
b) Ureter
c) Urinary bladder
d) Anus


36.   Which of these statements is true with respect to the anatomy of frog?
a) The oviduct and ureters are merged in female frog
b) The urinary and genital ducts are separate in male frogs
c) The urinary bladder is ventral to the rectum
d) Frogs are Uricotelic


37.  How many pairs of cranial nerves arise from the brain of frog?
a) 12
b) 8
c) 10
d) 6


38.   In the brain of frogs, optic lobes are present in the _______
a) midbrain
b) hindbrain
c) forebrain
d) medulla oblongata


39.   What lies between the medulla oblongata and spinal cord in frogs?
a) Foramen lacerum
b) Foramen magnum
c) Foramen ovale
d) Foramen of Monro


40.   Which of these is a cellular aggregation in frog?
a) Tympanum
b) Eyes
c) Nasal epithelium
d) Internal ears


41.  Which of these is not a function of ear in frog?
a) Defense
b) Hearing
c) Balance
d) Equilibrium


42.   What is the shape of testes in male frogs?
a) Triangular
b) Irregular
c) Spherical
d) Ovoid


43.   Which of these structures attach the testes to the kidneys in male frogs?
a) Tympanum
b) Bidder’s canal
c) Mesorchium
d) Sensory papillae


44.  Which of these is not a function of cloaca in frogs?
a) Passing of fecal matter
b) Passing of sperm
c) Passing of urine
d) Passing of ova


45.   In frogs, vasa efferentia arises from the _____
a) Bidder’s canal
b) Kidneys
c) Testes
d) Cloaca


46.   How many ova does a female frog lay at a time?
a) 30 to 40
b) 10,000 to 20,000
c) 2500 to 3000
d) 50,000 to 80,000


47.   Where does fertilization take place in frogs?
a) Water
b) Land
c) Inside the female frog
d) Inside the male frog


48.   Which of these statements is true with respect to frog?
a) They are pests for agricultural crop
b) Legs of frogs can be eaten
c) They do not play a part in ecological balance
d) They are herbivores


49.  Which of these organs secrete bile?
a) Kidney
b) Spleen
c) Gall bladder
d) Liver


50.   Where is bile stored in the body of frog?
a) Pancreas
b) Liver
c) Gall bladder
d) Bidder’s canal



51.  . Which of these is not a characteristic feature of Rana tigrina?
a) Webbed feet
b) Bilobed tongue
c) Thick, leathery skin
d) Membranous tympanum


52.  In frogs, chyme is passed to the ______
a) duodenum
b) ileum
c) jejunum
d) cloaca



53.   Pancreatic juice is delivered to the duodenum by the _______
a) pancreatic duct
b) common bile duct
c) parotid duct
d) hepatic duct


54.   Where does final digestion take place in frogs?
a) Rectum
b) Cloaca
c) Intestine
d) Bidder’s canal


55.   In frogs, the undigested food passes out through the ______
a) cloaca
b) rectum
c) anus
d) intestine


56.   What type of respiration is shown by frogs in water?
a) pulmonary respiration
b) Branchial respiration
c) Subcutaneous respiration
d) Cutaneous respiration


57.   Cutaneous respiration in frogs takes place by _______
a) endosmosis
b) active transport
c) diffusion
d) exosmosis


58.   How many chambers are present in a frog’s heart?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5


59.  What is the shape of the sinus venosus?
a) Spherical
b) Irregular
c) Triangular
d) Cylindrical


60.  In frog, the ventricle opens into ______
a) conus arteriosus
b) sinus venosus
c) hepatic portal vein
d) vena cava


61.  Which of these is not present in frog?
a) Renal portal system
b) Enucleated erythrocytes
c) Hepatic portal system
d) Lymphatic system

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